Thermal Treatment Capabilities
Delivering Unique Treatment Ability
657 Gallaher Road, Kingston, TN - 865-376-0084
Our Diversified Scientific Services, Inc. (DSSI) facility has the capability to destroy a wide range of low-level radioactive (LLW), low-level mixed (LLMW), and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)-regulated organic wastes using a direct-fired boiler equipped with a specialized burner that can combust the blended waste fuels at a high combustion efficiency. Since the issuance of a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B Permit in 1989, we have thermally treated nearly four million gallons of liquid, totaling over 30 million pounds. This facility operates as the only commercial mixed waste combustion unit in the U.S. with TSCA treatment authorization from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 to manage TSCA regulated polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated radioactive waste. DSSI also has the capacity to store up to 30,000 gallons of liquid waste in our "tank farm," which is used for storage and to allow for blending of the wastes prior to processing. Additionally, DSSI 's on-site fabrication department and research and development (R&D) laboratory delivers unique treatment capabilities for the most challenging waste streams. Our state-of-the-art engineering practices combined with a deep understanding of RCRA and TSCA regulations allows us to successfully treat waste that previously was thought to have no disposal path.
For decades, DSSI's boiler has provided compliant and effective final destruction of liquids separated from solid wastes. This boiler thermally treats radioactive, mixed, and TSCA-regulated waste, ensuring safe and efficient disposal. The combustion residues are treated to meet land disposal restriction (LDR) compliance. Additionally, the steam produced powers a generator via a steam turbine, making the boiler a waste-to-energy recovery unit. Capable of co-wasting water, oils, solvents, corrosives, and organic-bearing liquids and semi-solids, it remains the only commercial mixed waste combustion unit in the U.S. authorized by EPA Region 4 to treat TSCA-regulated PCB-contaminated wastes.
Waste Treatment
Our fixed base facilities offer highly specialized treatment options that help reduce risk and avoid costly internal program development.
. .Nuclear and Radiological Services
Our highly experienced team of professionals can handle domestic and international challenges across all project disciplines.
. .Health Physics
We have cutting-edge technologies, a large team of industry experts, extensive capabilities, and an unwavering commitment to safety.
. .Innovation and Technology Development
We are equipped with the capability and facilities to pioneer groundbreaking innovations in unique treatment capabilities.
. .Perma-Fix's DSSI facility is compliant with the standards set by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in their Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA) program. NQA-1 emphasizes the importance of each individual's role in our operations, and, by applying these standards, we can efficiently manage the processing and disposal of any radioactive materials.