chemical and radiological
sampling and analysis
a core competency

commercial remediation
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chemical and radiological
sampling and analysis
a core competency
commercial remediation
Site remediation in an urbanized commercial area
The former Sumitomo Machinery Corporation Site.
The scope included chemical and radiological remediation, planning, construction, excavation, waste transportation and disposal, final status survey (FSS), restoration, and regulatory closeout of the site.
Removal and scanning for radiological impacts, release; reuse or disposal of the building pad and foundations, underground vaults, sewer lines and asphalt; underground storage tank removal and disposal; dewatering, and containment; and PCB and VOC remediation to compliant levels.
Approved MARSSIM FSS protocol; compliance with the EPA-approved self-implementing clean-up work plan.
Verification sampling and third party analysis in compliance with the quality assurance plan; air monitoring compliance with all applicable air monitoring action levels.
We have the resources to manage complex projects. Our Technical and Nuclear services staff have a broad range of experience throughout the DOE EM complex.
Project Details
Perma-Fix was selected to remediate the Sumitomo site, a 7.5-acre industrial use property located in a highly urbanized, mixed commercial/industrial use area. The former Sumitomo Machinery Corporation Site was an investment property impacted with RCRA (volatiles, metals), TSCA PCBs, and radiological contaminants of concern (COCs) (Ra-226 and Th-232) at levels requiring a specific New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) license for possession of radioactive materials. The scope included chemical and radiological remediation, including planning, construction, excavation, waste transportation and disposal, final status survey (FSS), restoration, and regulatory closeout of the site.
Perma-Fix completed the remediation of the Sumitomo property soils as defined in the Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) Addendum, including removal, scanning for radiological impacts, release, and either reuse on-site or disposal off-site of the building pad and foundations, underground vaults and sewer lines and asphalt in the remediation areas. The closed-in-place underground storage tank was also removed and scanned and disposed off-site. The site was cleared of defined PCB and VOC hot-spots, leaving only PCB spots that were less than or equal to 10 parts per million (ppm) in the soil above the aquifer. During the project, Perma-Fix provided deep excavation, excavation below the water table, dewatering, and containment including shoring and sheeting.
Under an approved MARSSIM FSS protocol, Perma-Fix successfully excavated, screened, sorted materials, and cleared the majority of removed soil volumetrically, as well as in situ grounds, prior to backfill. Under NJDEP Bureau of Industrial Site Remediation and overview by a designated Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) as representative for the RCRA COCs, Perma-Fix maintained compliance with the EPA-approved self-implementing clean-up work plan. Perma-Fix performed verification sampling and third party analysis in compliance with the quality assurance plan. Perma-Fix provided all air monitoring for the project and controlled site operations to maintain compliance with all applicable air monitoring action levels.
Once remediation of the soil was complete, the site was re-graded and seeded and straw applied prior to final demobilization, leaving the site with as few restrictions on future use as practical.
Waste Treatment
Our fixed base facilities offer highly specialized treatment options that help reduce risk and avoid costly internal program development.
. .Nuclear and Radiological Services
Our highly experienced team of professionals can handle domestic and international challenges across all project disciplines.
. .Health Physics
We have cutting-edge technologies, a large team of industry experts, extensive capabilities, and an unwavering commitment to safety.
. .Innovation and Technology Development
We are equipped with the capability and facilities to pioneer groundbreaking innovations in unique treatment capabilities.
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