Perma-Fix UK Ltd.
Solving Complex Problems
Health Physics Services
Nuclear Services
Comprehensive Solutions
Blaydon-on-Tyne, UK
Our Perma-Fix UK branch is a leading supplier of environmental engineering and consulting, health physics, contaminated land remediation services, and wastewater management. With proven capabilities and experience in both consultancy and implementation, our valued clients can be confident that we can design and deliver innovative, cost-effective, and timely solutions.
Using our in-house expertise and state of the art equipment as required, and drawing on our external links with cutting-edge researchers and specialist suppliers as appropriate, we deliver major work packages safely, cost effectively, and on time.
In conjunction with Wood (formerly Amec FW), we provided production of the AMLGM process for leach test trials to model leaching from the LLWR.
The project involved extensive land surveying and waste management to clean-up the island on behalf of DESI (formerly Defense Estates). Supplementary services included installation of clean water systems for the indigenous population.
From 2009-2015 we were contracted to provide services including: expert RPA advice, training, source leak testing, dosimetry analysis, laboratory audits and emergency response.
Scope included provision of expert RPA advice and emergency preparedness, simulated incident response scenarios and attendance at workshops and meetings.
Monitoring and maintenance of passive reedbed systems, landfill gas monitoring, sampling and analysis of contaminants and data interpretation and modelling.
We designed, engineered and operated leachate treatment on the site and continue to perform post operational monitoring of leachate treatment and assessment of future treatment options.
We have extensive experience in the field of contaminated land, drawing on the capabilities of multi-disciplinary staff who have been involved in project stages ranging from Phase I and II site investigations to the supervision and implementation of remediation works and validation reporting compliant with the Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This includes high profile conventional and radiologically contaminated land sites, as well as many small domestic and commercial developments.
Preliminary desk studies are fundamental to a cost-effective contaminated land characterization. We are experienced in interrogating historical, geological, hydrogeological, chemical and regulatory information to describe the site condition.
From the results of desk study, we can offer site investigation design, supervision and execution services to ensure that sites are characterized effectively and efficiently. We can produce accurate and detailed sampling plans and with qualified in-house staff, collect and ship samples for analysis. We work closely with our dedicated UKAS and MCERTS accredited subcontracted laboratory to provide comprehensive chemical analysis of samples. When combined with positional data, detailed contour maps of contaminant levels can be produced to allow clear presentation of issues to stakeholders.
Effective interpretation of site characterization data is essential if subsequent remediation is to be effective. We process and interpret the results of site characterizations and through a variety of assessment and modelling tools, we can produce a detailed and comprehensive Quantitative Risk Assessment.
Through our in-house experience and expertise we are able to ensure that the results of the Risk Assessment are robust and defensible to Regulators and the general public; this also allows liability holders to effectively develop priorities and allocate resources.
In the event that a facility or land is contaminated, we can undertake an options appraisal to determine the most appropriate remedial scheme in terms of appropriateness, land use, time and cost. This can ensure the most appropriate solution is proposed and allow substantial cost savings.
During the remediation phase of a project, we can fulfil the role of Engineer or Employer's Agent, to supervise and project manage remediation works and ensure that the works are carried out in accordance with the design. We are also experienced Remediation Contractors, able to execute the works from the perspective, and with a full understanding of the motivation and requirements of the client.
Both during and after remediation activities, we validate works by means of detailed on-site and laboratory testing and analysis to ensure that the remediation work has been carried out in accordance with all approved conditions of contract, and that all environmental discharges from the sites are below the approved limits set by the regulators.
Our soil sorting technology, Perma-Sort, will provide 100% assay of soil excavated to reduce the uncertainty in determining when soil is acceptable to use as onsite backfill. The same high level of accuracy applies to waste characterization. This is achieved by employing proven in-line/real-time gamma spectroscopy assay soil segregation conveyor to provide 100% assay of soils.
When soil is excavated from affected areas of the site, oversized debris will be removed and stockpiled separately from the soil. The debris will be transported via enclosed conveyor system to the segregation area and then surveyed, processed, and disposed of. Heavy clay will be size reduced using specifically selected shredding and crushing equipment to make the resulting material "flowable" on the conveyor system. The conveyor system used to transport soil can be considered a green and sustainable remediation approach technology since the use of articulating trucks to move materials onsite will be greatly reduced. In the segregation area, soil will be placed on the vibrating screen to further remove debris and pieces greater than four inches in diameter and then placed on the segregation belt. Debris larger than 4 inches will be size reduced as needed. The segregation system will be set to sort the soil into stockpiles of greater than and less than the specified diversion control set point (DCS). All the material passing through the segregation system as less than the DCS will be stockpiled for additional sampling.
The stockpile volume will correspond with the minimum sample density for set for compliance as determined using the data quality objective (DQO) process. Samples representing each stockpile will be taken and analyzed to determine if the stockpiled soil meets the respective cleanup goal. By limiting the stockpiles to the minimum volume to be sampled for compliance, the minimum volume of soil will be rejected for offsite disposal due to sample results greater than the cleanup goals, further minimizing offsite disposal costs. The material passing through the segregation system as greater than the DCS will be stockpiled in successive stockpiles of fixed volume. Each stockpile will be characterized by volume and average radioactivity concentration. The availability of various radioactivity concentration stockpiles will allow the volumetric averaging of each container or conveyance volume to an activity concentration less than the disposal facility radiological WAC to ensure WAC compliance while maximizing the activity allowed in each conveyance to achieve the most cost-effective disposal options.
Mercury Amalgamation is our patented amalgamation process using proprietary reagents that meet the EPA technology treatment standard (AMLGM). This process treats elemental mercury waste to meet the requirement of AMLGM using chemical reagents that bind the mercury and render it non-leachable. We were awarded a contract to provide the DSRL with a system capable of providing successful treatment of elemental Mercury wastes. To date, we have developed a preliminary design for a mobile treatment unit that provides DSRL with flexibility for treatment of elemental mercury on the Dounreay Site and other sites across the NDA estate and is ready to construct and deploy the technology wherever it is needed.
Our team has extensive expertise in Radiological Protection and Radioactive Waste Management. We work closely with our partners to deliver RPA and HP services to projects as required. We also have access, via our international operational headquarters in Knoxville Tennessee, to one of the largest commercial inventories of radiometric instrumentation, along with accredited calibration and maintenance facilities.
We can provide services from design to operation of leachate treatment facilities. Previous projects have included design and operation of treatment plants for leachates from a landfill accepting batteries and a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) carcass disposal site. Our staff are also experienced in projects involving the monitoring and control of landfill gas.
Our team can provide advice on the segregation, storage and handling of waste in addition to feasibility studies for pre-treatment and disposal options in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005 and Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) 2017.
Some of the services we offer include the management and disposal of radioactive wastes, as well as the production of Waste Management Plans. We can also provide RPA Services to nuclear and non-nuclear clients.
Our team provides assistance in Waste Minimization in accordance with best practicable environmental option (BPEO) and manage the packaging and transport of waste in accordance with the Radioactive Substance Act 1993 and Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Regulation 2002.
We have extensive experience of providing professional advice to clients on a wide range of wastewater and leachate management issues, from sectors as diverse as international, national and local government departments, and private organizations.
We offer consultancy and contracting services comprising the management of groundwater, wastewater and leachate, and have developed a number of key relationships with specialist suppliers over the years. Consequently, we provide a turnkey service for a variety of wastewater streams at all stages of evolution from production, treatment, discharge, to final transportation and safe disposal.
Our team provides assistance in Waste Minimization in accordance with best practicable environmental option (BPEO) and manage the packaging and transport of waste in accordance with the Radioactive Substance Act 1993 and Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Regulation 2002. Our staff has extensive experience in the transport and treatment of radioactive wastes and has access to DGSA and RPA personnel and qualified and experienced Class 7 transporters.
Waste Treatment
Our fixed base facilities offer highly specialized treatment options that help reduce risk and avoid costly internal program development.
. .Nuclear and Radiological Services
Our highly experienced team of professionals can handle domestic and international challenges across all project disciplines.
. .Health Physics
We have cutting-edge technologies, a large team of industry experts, extensive capabilities, and an unwavering commitment to safety.
. .Innovation and Technology Development
We are equipped with the capability and facilities to pioneer groundbreaking innovations in unique treatment capabilities.
. .Perma-Fix Environmental Services UK Ltd. is a signatory to the NDA and Nuclear Licensed Sites Nuclear Decommissioning supply chain charter. The Supply Chain Charter for nuclear decommissioning sites aims to foster good working relations across the NDA estate's supply chain, with all parties signing up to a set of principles encouraging mutually beneficial and rewarding relationships
Perma-Fix Environmental Services UK Ltd. Has been assessed and accredited to Acclaim for Health and Safety. Acclaim is a member of "Safety Schemes In Procurement" (SSIP), an umbrella organization for stage 1 health and safety assessment schemes. SSIP is recognized by a large and growing number of buyers within the construction industry Acclaim Accreditation supports the objectives of SSIP (Safety Schemes In Procurement) to improve health and safety standards across the UK and reduce duplication of paperwork in procurement.
Perma-Fix Environmental Services UK Ltd. is a member of Constructionline. Constructionline is a pre-qualification platform for industry and sets a minimum requirement for standards for compliance with industry regulations and practices.